Welcome to GRAMMS

Grant Management and Monitoring System

About the Small Grants Programme

The ACB-KfW Small Grants Programme aims to contribute to biodiversity protection and management of natural resources in the ASEAN region and address the needs of local communities through a flexible funding mechanism. The SGP is designed to support projects directed towards effective and efficient AHP management, and develop successful small grant models and adequate funding mechanisms which improve biodiversity conservation and the livelihoods of people in and around the AHPs.

The Small Grants Programme by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (SGP), is a Financial Cooperation between the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and Germany through the KfW, which aims to protect biological diversity in and around the ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) in line with the interests of the local population. It is currently being implemented in selected AHPs in Myanmar and Indonesia for the first phase, and Viet Nam for the second phase.

To have a more systematic and centralised way of organising the processes and the documents needed from accessing the grants up to its completion, the ACB developed the Grant Management and Monitoring System (GraMMS).

The GraMMS is a web-based system which maintains, audits, and tracks grants awarded in the past, present, or planned to be requested in the future. It also tracks the full cycle of the grant. The system also provides a central repository for grant-related documents which can be organised, updated and quickly retrieved.
